Hi there.
I am Christina, a wedding and family photographer based in Finland and Austria. Welcome to my passion and my living dream.
I am a photographer, biologist, mother, wife and a happy-go-lucky person who loves to go on adventures and has been known to throw caution to the wind. I believe in love. And in equlaity. In justice. And happiness. But above all in love. Because it is liberating and wild can can be found in unexpected places. My work is considered non-traditional because I don’t try always to capture perfection. Instead, I capture the realness and uniqueness of your moments. At the same time, I love beautiful portraits and hunt after those scenic and epic pictures, that will make you look best.
When I am not a photographer, I am a biologist and you find me in the office, lab or field outside measuring some greenhouse gas fluxes. Protecting the environmental is very important to me. I am also ambitious, but carrier is not the most important thing in my life. Instead, it is having quality time with my family and friends, making memories and having experiences together. I have my own place and home is super important to me. I am very outdoorsy but also love a night in snuggling on the couch with my family. I am also a bit of a foodie and love to cook.
The thing I love most about photography is that I’m doing something for someone that has value and meaning to it, and that I can tell a story. And I cannot wait to hear more about yours. When did you meet? What do you like most about him/her? When did he/she propose? And I am also interested in everything else that makes you. Do you love seeing the world? What is on their bucket list? Do you also fight the idea of being put in a box? You love a good comedy and love to have fun? Will I find you kayaking or climbing on week-ends? Do you also have a playlist for everything and enjoy local breweries? I bed you do. And I bed you know what you want, which is the best wedding photos possible. You want beautiful pictures, portraits of just the two of you and pictures of family and friends, and those in between moments captured. You want it all. But also a stress free time with and a fun day with family and friends. Most importantly: you want to remember this day forever, and not only how it looked like, but how it felt like.
If so, I bed we will understand each other and I will be so happy to meet you
6 facts about me….
1. Ich bin ein Kaffeetrinker. Ich trinke Kaffee unmittelbar nach dem Aufwachen. Zugegeben, normalerweise öffnet sich gleichzeitig auch mein Computer. Und ich liebe gutes Essen und koche auch mit Leidenschaft.
2. Ich lebe mit meiner Familie (wir sind drei Mädels!) abwechselnd in Österreich und Finnland. Es zieht uns aber immer mehr nach Österreich, in meine Heimat, die ich sehr liebe. Mein Hauptberuf erlaubt mir einen flexiblen Wohnort.
3. Ich bin ein entspannter Mensch, glaube ich zumindest (meine Frau könnte anderer Meinung sein :)). Ich liebe Harmonie und interessiere mich aufrichtig für andere Menschen und die Details ihres Lebens.
4. Ich war schon als Kind ein kleiner naturwissenschaftlicher Freak. Früher sammelte ich Blumen, züchtete Schmetterlinge und hatte zu Hause mein eigenes Chemielabor. Auf meinem Wunschzettel zu Weihnachten stand "Reagenzgläser"... ich glaube, deshalb habe ich Biologie studiert.
5. Ich bin Biologin, oder besser gesagt Ökologin in meinem Hauptberuf. Ich untersuche die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Treibhausgasemissionen aus arktischen Ökosystemen. Ich habe an vielen arktischen Feldexpeditionen teilgenommen. Kreativität hilft auch in diesem Beruf.
6. Ich liebe gute Filme und Bücher. Einer meiner Lieblingsfilme ist "Revenche" des österreichischen Regisseurs Götz Spielmann. Und ich liebe Kriminalgeschichten von Hakan Hesser.