Antonia likes to play in the backyard
... which is quite small but there are plenty of sticks she can collect and stones to sort. As shown in this picture, it is difficutl to pass the backyard door without her requesting to open it and being allowed to play there. So every morning same routine: little bit playing in the backyard and then into the trolley (which shedislikes more and more) and then to the Kindergarten Funkelstern. Antonia more and more likes this place. She likes especially aunt Susanna, and spends half day in her hands and the other half day crying when somebody else is in her hands. That is a little exaggerated, they told us that she plays already quite much, likes to dance, interacts with others and - nonaned- climbs on every table and chairs and everything she is not allowed to. She eats not like everybody on the table, but while sitting in her own puppet-bed with her plate next to her. This puppet bed is apparently her favorite place, we should buy it (or build it - I am allowed to! :)) for Kuopio. Also good news: she eats much better now. Final note for this week: we got our first back tooth, downside, which apparently hurts or itches quite much. Parents were busy this week with some conference (EGU), so nothing too spectacular from their side.