This theme fits rather nicely to our current place of living: Vienna. At the Donaukanal one can see lots of graffiti art. Some like it, some don't, i find it a nice backdrop for photos.
My former boss Pertti Martikainen visited me this week in Vienna, which gave me the possibility to walk through Vienna as a a host and not as a guest. It turned out an interesting experience, and luckily Pertti pleases rather similar (sub-)cultural and (non-)stylish events here. E.g. graffiti at the walls of the Donaukanal. There was the long night of the museum, where Anotinia got the chance to create her first ceramic plate (which turned out really - red. but beautifully red), then we visited Gumpoldskirchen again, joined the 100 -year independence celebration of Finland at the Nordic Design House (a highlight, also my cousin Sonja joined), drank some coffee at the Haas house and simply walked a lot. It was very nice, and as always inspiring. He came here for work actually, and we had the possibility to discuss at length, which was very motivating. I do really miss him at University :).