Breakfast Arrangement (Copy)

Breakfast in Vienna - from the scratch

We just arrived in Vienna and had our first breakfast - a mischmasch of items we had in our bags and stuff i bought quickly at the supermarket. I love those first meals, there is somethings special in it (non routine, yesterday late pizza as well). The light is also beautiful in this rented flat which adds to the overall mood. Which is .....yes, really good....

Self-cultivated Mushrooms (Copy)

Mushroom goulash tastes yummy especially when cooked self-cultivated champignons

I presented my niece for christmas a set to cultivate button mushrooms (champignons) at home. Partly i satisfy with such presents my own curiosity and need to discover things, partly it is because of her - she likes "do-it-yourself" actions and traditionally we create/generate something together. So it was time for a mushroom cultivation. I bought it via Amazon, and it came in time and without any problems. The present was well received and expectations were high. There was not too much to do, other than filling soil in a box and adding the mushroom-infected substrate on top. The hard part came then - we (she) had to wait. And we had to trust my mother, that she would indeed water the soil/substrate regularly as promised. Nothing happened within the timeframe indicated, which was 3 weeks. Nothing happened in 6 weeks. And we were close to putting an end to the experiment (one of our few failures) when suddenly, after 2 months (!) 2 large champignons grew in record time. What a joy! I could not see them, unfortunately, but was told everything in detail. And rush, rush, knives sharpened, they were processed in a mushroom goulash by mother Karin (without permission, though :)). Apparently the taste was very intensive, better than the ones from the supermarket. Yuhuu! Now we wait for the second harvest, which should happen soon, but has not happened yet....below some pictures, taken by a phone.