The first kindergarten festival with Antonia as a rabbit...
We were on our first kindergarten festival. Of course proudly watching the own one; though she was only sitting on her auntie's lab, hardly moving or participating in the performance, we couldn't stop taking our eyes from her. HOW she was sitting, HOW she was doing nothing, just brilliant. She is a genius, clearly. Well, at least she was not crying and running to her parents as some others (older ones) did :). How could she also sing with the others, without knowing the language yet (she does not know any language yet, still genius). She wore some rabbit's ears which she apparently made herself (wonder how), and would not want to take them off for a few days after the festival. She is generally better and better in showing what she wants and not wants (e.g. dressing particularly shoes, nowadays also taking a bath etc.) - no receipt yet from our side, hope we will find one. The weather is beautiful, very hot, nearly too hot for this time of the year, and finally we can all dress summer clothes. Flowers are blossoming, nice. We hope this continues.