05/52 - SPORT (Copy)

Man and child skating

Sport is the favorite activity of our young lady, and because she is generally not afraid she usually learns quickly. She was thus excited to go skating for the first time, and with help of her favored Igor M. she looked already soon like a pro

Yes, she is generally not afraid and also stubborn or very insisting if she want something. As heavy as it is for us, i think it will help her in life. And sometimes it is heavy for us: at the moment e.g. she has a new favorite game: she wants to be wrapped in a blanket and carried and swirled around in the apartment. The poor person who has to do that is me. She LOVES is…absolutely loves it. We have to play it non-stop. And since it is physically demanding, i am not too happy about playing endlessly. I am already hiding this blanket when i come home, but she tries to find it everywhere. She even learned the German word "Decke" extra for that. And would cry bitterly when not found….well in the end usually we play endlessly. Yes, i think it will help her in life, this stubbornness, so I accept.

This week-end, we were visiting a student of mine and his newborn son Ahan. Soooo sweet. No, I do not think about it. But soooo sweet. Antonia is only marginally interested in babies, and so also in this one. Maybe jealous? Maybe, I do not know. She makes also clear distinction “baby” and herself, as if she is far not little anymore. We noticed also something else these days: she dresses and undresses now herself. I think they taught her in Kindergarten. Convenient, though one needs to have quite  a lot of patience….:) because it takes time, a lot of time. Apropos dressing: there is one new favorite piece; a skirt, actually a real tutu, which she likes to dress. We have one one we received earlier from a friend of Tanya, and these days she would wear it non-stop. And dance in it so that it flows with the wind. She surely does not have that one from us :)

Christina B.


My name is Christina. Welcome to my passion and my living dream. Weddings and family occasions to me are the events which most need to be memorialized and saved in pictures. I am a mother, photographer, biologist, and a happy-go-lucky person who loves to travel and has been known to throw caution to the wind. I use my camera and my curiosity to find love, beauty, joy and humor in unexpected places. Every time I meet a new couple so crazy in love they can’t keep their eyes and hands off each other, it makes my stomach flip because I absolutely know how it feels to be that new couple. This is how I know how much it matters to have those moments captured in time. Because no matter how many years pass, when you look back at those pictures, you won’t think about all the imperfections but you will remember the love, sun’s warmth and the song that was playing in the background and the moment will come live